Research on work behaviors and values

yousef5 January 2024Last Update : 7 months ago
Research on work behaviors and values

the job

Work in general is one of the important things in a person’s life. Its importance became apparent with the presence of human life on the surface of the Earth, and its idea was strengthened when man was keen to adapt to the nature surrounding him and benefit from it to serve him.

Which subsequently contributed to the development of work with the increase in the number of people and their spread throughout the earth.

This also resulted in a development in human thought that led to the development of means of work in order to maintain the provision of a decent living for man in his society.

work behaviors

Work behaviors, or as they are known as (work ethics); It is a set of moral standards and values that help individuals distinguish between right and wrong things in their behavior within the work environment. Administrative thinkers have paid attention to the concept of behavior at work, and several definitions have emerged for it, including: It is a set of moral values and rules that control the behaviors of groups and individuals. . Implementing work behaviors depends on the use of a group of elements, which are:

Organizational culture:

It is the behavioral and ethical framework that an organization uses in dealing with all parties in the work environment. Culture generally includes a set of symbols, beliefs, values, and customs that prevail in a specific facility. This culture is affected by major issues, which are: the work environment that operates Established therein.
Strategic managers whose ideas affect all departments of the organization and its employees.
Managers’ own expertise resulting from their previous experiences.

Employee ethics:

It is a behavioral and ethical system that contributes to the formation of the elements of the leadership and administrative personality at work. Ethics is considered the special essence of the human being, and the commitment of managers and employees to the behavioral and ethical rules specified in the facility is considered one of the characteristics of health facilities. This leads to the growth of the facilities and the individuals working in them, and maintains the stability of their situation. Financial. Special systems in the facility: These are the policies and ethical principles that are all forces that contribute to building administrative ethics and help direct work behaviors in a specific direction. Each system of the facility also has its own influence that weakens or strengthens work behaviors. The external audience: It is the fourth element of business behavior, and it consists of customers, the government system, and market influence, all of which contribute to building special ethics in management, and help direct it towards a specific direction.

Especially with the increase in competition in the markets and the emergence of technological developments.

Work values differ between societies in general, and people in particular, but everyone agrees on their importance and necessity for any administrative facility. Specifically in countries that are interested in building and developing themselves, their institutions, companies, and their economic and social environments. Because work values are considered a guarantee for reaching the highest rates of production, and contribute to the presence of a generation loyal to work and loving its country.

The status and development of work Over the years, the status of work has varied among human nations. Every historical civilization had its own view on work and professions. Ancient human civilizations did not appear without a reason, but rather were the result of continuous work by individuals who contributed to building them. For example, ancient Egyptian civilization relied on agricultural and industrial work. Which contributed to the prosperity of ancient Egypt, which knew the manufacture of glass, wood, cement, weapons, and other types of industries. As for the ancient civilization of Babylon, it was concerned with extracting minerals and hunting, and the Babylonian state was keen to determine wages and prices for individuals working in various professions.

During the Middle Ages, a group of commercial and industrial associations appeared in Europe. Which led to the emergence of many terms at that time: In 1120 AD, the term worker appeared, and then many other terms appeared, such as merchant; Which led to further strengthening the concept of work. However, in the stage of modern economic thought, economists considered work to be the main source of production, and it was linked with the phenomena of social life that appeared as a result of the growth of industrial production, so the meaning of work for individuals became all the methods and means that help to achieve income. ; By carrying out an activity, applying a behavior, or using energy that depends on a specific plan, and seeks to implement specific functions; In order to achieve a specific production goal.

The status of work in Islam

Work obtained an important position in Islam. Where many generous Quranic verses and noble hadiths are mentioned in the importance and status of work, and this is inferred by the words of God Almighty (so when the prayer is spent, then they will be published in the earth and seek the grace of God, and God bless you ).
Islam also paid attention to encouraging the pursuit of work. So that a person can earn a living, and He has been given degrees of reward for sincerity and mastery in it, and this is evidenced by the words of God Almighty (Whoever does righteousness, whether male or female, and is a believer – We will surely give him a good life, and We will reward him. May He reward them with the best of what they used to do.

These noble verses are evidence of the status that work has acquired in Islam. A person who is keen to work will live a decent life, and will receive a reward in this world and a reward in the afterlife. However, in the noble Prophetic Sunnah, there are many hadiths mentioned about the importance and status of work, including the Messenger of God – may God bless him and grant him peace – said (No one has ever eaten food. It is better than eating from the work of his own hands, and the Prophet of God, David, peace be upon him, used to eat from the work of his own hands.

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