3 proven strategies to successfully change your career path

yousef17 March 2024Last Update : 4 months ago
3 proven strategies to successfully change your career path

What if the job does not meet our expectations and career aspirations? Do we stay stuck in this business or do we make a decision to change?

Xu Deyuan, a career coach, advises thousands of clients from all over the world that the quickest path to a career that does not meet our ambitions is to be inactive and do nothing.

Here, Shaw emphasizes that regardless of what others tell us, we can always make a career change. But the difficult part is having the courage to try.

He tells us how he changed his profession 4 times. The first time was after he graduated and obtained a degree in business administration when he started in management consulting.

– After that, he moved to a new continent to work in recruitment agencies. Then eventually, he made his way into human resources, specifically in the area of ​​learning and development.

Today, Shaw brings the three professions together to do his work at Workhap, a site to help others get a job and get paid in the professions they love.

Shaw asserts that if he can do it, anyone can do the same. He recommends 3 strategies that have proven effective for him and his clients on how to make a successful career change.

3 proven strategies to successfully change your career path

You decide what you want to do

One knows what one does not want to do, but the hard part is sometimes having the will to know what one really wants to do.

Therefore, it is advisable that before anyone takes the initiative to apply for any job, they first conduct a comprehensive assessment of what their ideal career looks like.

– He should make a list of what he likes and does not like about his current job, then try to find common topics among them.

– This is also a good time to think about all his past experiences. What skills make him most confident, what is his passion, what aspects of his current job role do he like.

This self-reflection will help him determine what type of work best aligns with his interests and values.

-Next, it is advisable to make a list of potential roles that he feels are most compatible with his goals.

But the matter does not stop there, but in-depth research should be conducted into these industries so that one knows what to expect.

– For example, it may become clear to him that he may have to reduce his salary to join the field he wants.

Here, Shaw emphasizes that this temporary decrease in salary is worth it because it provides the opportunity to do meaningful work.

2- List the usable skills you already have

When changing career path, one may feel hesitant and find themselves needing to develop completely new abilities and skills.

– Many people think that they need to go back to school or start learning from scratch in order to be accepted into the new job role, but this is not necessarily true.

Of course, some jobs will require new certifications and training, especially in complex or highly regulated fields like technology, finance, or engineering.

– But on the other hand, one may benefit from some of the skills that one has previously developed, as some professional skills may be transferable.

– Transferable skills mean any skills that can still be useful in performing the tasks of a new job, even if the new career is completely different from the previous one.

Here it is worth noting that personal skills are transferable skills, including the ability to communicate effectively, solve problems, negotiation and leadership skills.

So Shaw advises the job applicant to look for transferable skills that he already has that could make him suitable for the new role, and to highlight them on his CV.

3- Contact someone who has made the same change

No one can build a career without a good mentor or a supportive circle of relationships to get as much valuable advice as possible.

This passion and ability to absorb and learn attracts great mentors and people who are willing to give you their time and good advice.

– Especially since technology has made it easier to reach new people and send them a message saying: “I am thinking about changing my career path. Do you have 5 minutes to discuss this matter?”

– Hearing about their experiences, the challenges they’ve faced, and the lessons they’ve learned can help jumpstart your transition and help make the process a little easier.

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