Conditions for registering in sakani program in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

yousef9 August 2022Last Update : 2 years ago
Conditions for registering in sakani program in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

All citizens can reserve the available plans in the Sakani program through a set of the following steps:

We first enter the residential site through the following link.
We log in by adding our username and password.
Click on the real estate market tab button.
Choose to browse the available projects or the name of the region or project is selected.
All projects are clicked.
You must choose the project you want.
Then the details are displayed.
You will go directly to the project and you should see the project details.
Follow all instructions in order to complete the reservation process for the scheme available to you.

sakani program

The sakani program is one of the distinctive programs that support the ownership of all homes in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
All eligible citizens are allowed to own homes that qualify for them, and this is done through a set of support programs such as mortgage programs and financing programs.
The Ministry of Housing and Real Estate Development provides a range of different services to all segments of society in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in order to achieve the Kingdom’s Vision 2030.
The share of ownership among persons is increased to 70%.
Currently, a number of housing units that are ready are highlighted.
The wide range of lands and plots available across the Kingdom are also highlighted.

Sakan website announced the steps for booking the plans available in Sakani today, and the provision of a number of housing projects in a number of governorates and cities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, subject to a set of conditions that must be met for housing support.

Conditions for registering in the Sakani program

sakani program has set a set of conditions that must be met by applicants, the most important of which are:

The applicant must be a Saudi national and permanently residing in the Kingdom.
The applicant’s age is not less than 25 years.
The applicant must not have owned a home in the last 5 years from the date of application.
Not be a beneficiary of one of the support programs for him and family members.
Support must be painful for the following categories of family members (one father or more, mother and child or more, husband and wife, brother or more in the event of the father’s death and the mother is not a citizen of Saudi Arabia).
These terms are in effect at the time of application submission and until support is received.

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