What are the newborn vaccinations?

yousef29 June 2022Last Update : 2 years ago
What are the newborn vaccinations?

Vaccines urge the immune system to develop itself, and to form antibodies that fight various diseases, which enhances the role of children’s vaccinations in protecting children from various diseases and limiting their spread, by imitating infection with a specific virus in the child’s body, which prevents the child from contracting this disease in the future. .

Types of newborn vaccinations

Newborns get many vaccinations against several diseases, and they can be described as follows:

Hepatitis B vaccine:

This vaccine is given to prevent hepatitis B infection in children, and is given in three divided doses, the first dose being at birth.

Rotavirus vaccine:

The rotavirus is the most common cause of diarrhea in infants, and the vaccine for this virus is given in two doses; The first is at the age of two months, and the second is at the age of three months.

Triple-Bacterial Vaccine:

Doses of the triple-dip vaccine are divided into five doses given to the child during the first years of life. This vaccine aims to protect children against three serious diseases: diphtheria, whooping cough, and tetanus.

Pneumococcal vaccine:

The preventive plan against infection with pneumococcal bacteria includes giving the vaccine in three divided doses as follows; Upon reaching the second and fourth months and the first year of life.

Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine:

Haemophilus influenzae type b infection leads to what is known as bacterial meningitis, and the preventive plan against this virus includes giving its vaccine in three or four doses.

The polio vaccine:

Its preventive plan includes four doses of the vaccine.

Influenza vaccine: The flu vaccine is a seasonal vaccine that can be given annually, starting at the age of six months.

Measles, mumps and rubella vaccine:

This vaccine is given as part of a plan aimed at preventing the three diseases, and is given in two doses; The first is between 12-15 months of the child’s age, and the second is between 4-6 years of the child’s age.

Chickenpox vaccine:

Prevention of chickenpox is important to prevent infection in children, so the chickenpox vaccine is given in two doses.

Tuberculosis vaccine:

The pulmonary tuberculosis vaccine can be given to children from birth to 16 years of age.

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