How to be a man attractive to women?

yousef15 July 2022Last Update : 2 years ago
How to be a man attractive to women?

Sometimes men seek to attract the attention of women, so many resort to paying attention to the external appearance and speaking in a distinctive style, but sometimes the attractiveness of a man may not only be related to the beauty of appearance, excessive handsomeness, not even tallness, or the way of hairstyle, it can also be associated with Personal qualities, such as strength, renewable energy, magnanimity, and other qualities that make up what is called charisma.

How can a man be attractive to women?

Some ways that increase the attractiveness of men to women: Be careful of character and behavior; Because the external appearance alone is not enough to attract a woman to a man, so it is good to try to be attractive in nature as well, and to be respectful and tactful in his actions with all people and not with women only, for example if a man stands to sit an old man in his place anywhere General, or open the elevator door for him and wait for him to get out of it, these human qualities can attract the attention of women to him.

Knowing how to open topics of interest to women, and a man’s attempt to talk to her about his ambitions, future plans, and interests, and he must be lively and quick-witted. Knowing how to make a woman laugh, choosing the right time for that, and talking to her about the various and joyful news. The man’s understanding of the woman in every matter that pertains to her, and showing his interest in what she does and loves and sharing it with her. The man opens the car door when the woman is delivered to the house, and waits for her to enter until the door is closed, this is one of the things that makes her happy and makes her feel tactful. Love of children and knowing how to communicate with them, this is one of the things that attract women towards him.

Possess great confidence without too much arrogance or arrogance. A man’s self-confidence must be real and stem from a strong personality. Always act spontaneously, and the man does not imitate another personality; Because women feel it and move away from him.

The external appearance is one of the things that increases the attractiveness of a man in relation to the external appearance: wearing appropriate clothes, this is one of the important things for a woman, so care must be taken that the clothes are in harmony with fashion, as well as they must be suitable for the shape of the man’s body and personality in general, taking care to To be appropriate to the time and place. Pay attention to general hygiene, as it is no less important than dress, and this means that the hair is clean and free of crust, the nails are well trimmed, the teeth are white, and the breath must be fresh. Choosing the right shoes, so the man should keep neat and clean shoes to attend the occasions; Because the distinctive and clean shoe reflects the order and elegance of its owner. Putting on the right perfume.

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