The establishments security forces announce the opening of the application for women 1444

yousef4 August 2022Last Update : 2 years ago
The establishments security forces announce the opening of the application for women 1444

The Facilities Security Forces, represented by the General Administration of Central Admission at the Ministry of Interior’s Agency for Military Affairs, announced in an official statement the opening of admission and application for women holding a high school diploma at the rank of soldier.

General admission requirements:

The applicant must be of Saudi origin and origin, with the exception of those who grew up with her father while he was working outside the Kingdom.

The applicant must be of good conduct, reputation and reputation, and not have been convicted of a crime that violates honor and honesty.

The applicant must have a high school diploma or its equivalent, and those with a higher qualification are preferred.

If the qualification or certificate is from outside the Kingdom, it must be approved by the Ministry of Education.

The applicant must have an independent national identity that is valid at the time of submission.

The applicant should not have previously been appointed to a job subject to the military service system, or her duties were terminated by one of the military centers, institutes or colleges.

Not to be employed in any government agency.

Not to be married to a non-Saudi.

The applicant must pass all the procedures, admission tests and personal interviews.
The applicant must be medically fit.

All required fields are filled out correctly and with utmost precision, as everyone who has a difference in the personal data that has been included according to the approved conditions are excluded.

Submission deadline:

Submission starts next Saturday, August 06, 2022, and continues for five full days, ending on Thursday, August 11, 2022.

Link and how to apply:

The first step is to log in to the Absher recruitment platform.
In the second step, click on the available jobs on the main page.
Third, choosing to apply to the security forces of the installations.
Fourth, read the terms and conditions carefully and agree to them.
Fifthly, choose the desired job and click on apply now.
Sixth: Enter all required personal and contact information in a correct manner.
Seventh, attach the required documents and papers.
Eighth, click on confirming the registration request.

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