The best countries in the world

yousef6 February 2022Last Update : 2 years ago
The best countries in the world

There are many factors on the basis of which countries are classified as the best or worst countries, for example, the Human Development Index depends on factors such as life expectancy, education index, and gross national income index, to classify the best countries in the world, and the highest score in this classification is 1.1, And the countries that ranked highest in it are the countries that came close to this score.

In order to reach a list of the best countries in the world, the InsiderMonkey website relied on the Human Development Index, in addition to the World Happiness Report, and other factors such as infrastructure, health care, GDP, and quality of life.

1- Norway

The first place went to Norway, with a score of 0.957 in the 2020 Human Development Index. The country has a low crime rate, a great education system, a per capita gross national income of about $66,000, and a high life expectancy.

2- Ireland

Ireland came in second, one of the happiest countries in the world, a highly developed country, with a life expectancy of 82.3 years and a score of 0.955 in the Human Development Index.

3- Switzerland

Switzerland has one of the best healthcare systems in the world, and is one of the safest countries in the world. It also has the best technological expertise along with Japan, and it has a score of 0.955 in the 2020 Human Development Index.

4- Hong Kong, China

Hong Kong has a life expectancy of 84.9 years, one of the highest in the world. Thanks to its high levels of literacy and increasing development, Hong Kong is ranked fourth on the list, with a score of 0.949 in the Human Development Index.

5- Iceland

Fifth on the list, Iceland has been ranked as the safest and second-happiest country in the world, with a score of 0.949 in the 2020 Human Development Index.

6- Germany

Germany ranks sixth on the list, and the country provides free university education to all people, including non-citizens, and ranks seventh in the list of the happiest countries in the world, with a score of 0.947 in the Human Development Index.

7- Sweden

The average life expectancy in Sweden is 82.8 years. The country has also developed a free healthcare and education system. Sweden, which ranks seventh on the list, is one of the most developed countries in the world, with a score of 0.945 in the Human Development Index.

8- Australia

Australia is one of the most developed countries, as its per capita gross national income is high thanks to exports and the service sector, and its life expectancy is also high thanks to the high rate of adult participation in sports activities, and the country has a score of 0.944 in the Human Development Index for the year 2020.

9- Holland

The Netherlands ranks ninth on the list, one of the best countries in the world in terms of granting equal rights, and has good policies to ensure gender and racial equality, and the country has a score of 0.944 in the Human Development Index.

10- Denmark

Denmark, which comes in tenth place on the list, is one of the best countries in the world, in terms of quality of life and social purpose, which are central to the needs and requirements of the modern world, and Denmark has a score of 0.940 in the Human Development Index for the year 2020.

Source: Insider Monkey

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