strawberry jam benefits

yousef8 July 2022Last Update : 2 years ago
strawberry jam benefits

Jam is one of the staple foods on the morning breakfast menu.

Many people, especially children, prefer to eat it because of its delicious taste and suitability for other dishes, such as regular butter and peanut butter.

In addition, jam has many benefits for human health. It is made of natural fruits such as strawberries.

Many benefits.

strawberry jam benefits

One of the benefits of natural strawberry jam made at home: Providing the body with energy. Supplying the body with important nutrients, such as: vitamins, and mineral salts, especially calcium and potassium, and there is a large proportion of vitamin B.

How to make strawberry jam

Ingredients: Five kilograms of fresh strawberries. Twelve and a half cups of sugar. Half a teaspoon of vanilla. A tablespoon of lemon juice. Two tablespoons of starch.

How to prepare:

Cut the strawberry into quarters after removing the green leaves and removing the immature ends. Add sugar to it, and leave it to soak for about an hour, stirring every quarter of an hour. Put the strawberries in a saucepan over a low heat for an hour.

Add the vanilla and lemon to the strawberry and leave the mixture to boil for a quarter of an hour, then dissolve the starch with a little cold water and add it to the jam and leave it to boil for ten minutes.

Pour the strawberry jam into a tray or a large bowl for a whole day, while continuing to stir from time to time until it thickens, then pour it into jars or containers with tightly closed lids.

Sugar-free strawberry jam

Ingredients: 1 kg of fresh strawberries without stems. Two and a half cups of artificial sweetener. quarter cup of lemon juice.

How to prepare:

Mash the strawberries in a large bowl to get 4 cups. In a saucepan, mix the mashed strawberries with the artificial sweetener and lemon juice. Stir the mixture over a low heat until the sweetener dissolves, then raise the heat until the mixture boils, stirring occasionally. Remove the mixture from the heat after it hardens and becomes like jam, and pour it into sterilized jars, leaving a small space at the top of the jar and closing it tightly. Leave the jam to cool and put it in the fridge.

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