A cool cookie or did the quizmaster do his magic?

ali mohamed
ali mohamed27 May 2022Last Update : 2 years ago
A cool cookie or did the quizmaster do his magic?

Article 28 says:

I’m doing a staycation. I didn’t realize how close The Reveley was to my hotel so I got there a little early. The bar was packed, absolutely packed.

Pav almost showed up when I sat down. He was also a little early which was nice. We ordered some food and drinks. He’s a vegetarian, so we have some things in common. He went upstairs, ordered it, which was nice, very friendly. Then we started chatting.

We had a great talk about social media and that kind of empire that I had to use it to advertise and get my work out there. He also does a lot of streaming and YouTube stuff, which I’m a little familiar with. So we talked about that for a while. And then we talked a lot about families. And our family dynamics.

I feel like I’ve caught up with the conversation a bit, which is normal because I talk so much. I’m a little worried about what he’s going to say about that. Give me a subject and I’m gone. But it wasn’t like talking to a brick wall or anything; he certainly contributed. It was a good conversation.

I think we have very different personalities. He loves gaming and the online world and I am by no means a gamer. I played The Sims, that’s it. I am a super outspoken person. I have very, very strong opinions. And I’m not afraid to talk about that and bring it out there and I feel like he was a little more reserved, which could clearly be nerves.

I don’t think there was ever any awkwardness. He didn’t make me feel uncomfortable in any way. He was very friendly and nice.

Within the first, probably 10 minutes, I could see it just wasn’t going anywhere. He was super, super nice. I couldn’t blame him at all. But there was no spark or connection or anything.

I’m very attracted to someone who is willing to fight me back and have a full debate. So I need that kind of pugnacity of a stubborn personality.

Verdict: 7/10

Pav, 28, says:

I tried to get there a little early just because I don’t like people waiting, but she turned out to be there already. She said she had a hotel room around the corner.

I wasn’t really nervous, but I was kind of stressed out, like, “What if it’s someone I know? What if I’ve already been on a date with them?” Maddi said she was a little nervous, what I was really surprised because she seemed very comfortable, she was very hospitable, a very warm energy.

Admittedly, I didn’t talk that much in the end. She was a big talker, but that’s fine because I hate talking about myself. I’m more focused on listening, which probably isn’t the best for a first date setting.

She talked a lot about her ambition and the things she does, like her bakery business, which is really cool. Baking is definitely something I’m interested in and I’ve tried to do it side by side, but I’m absolutely terrible. It was really interesting to learn a little bit about how she got into it.

Her ambition was something I can appreciate and also the creative possibilities she has. That was certainly very interesting. She said she’s done a few Fringe shows, which was really interesting to learn about that whole process. She sings and a little comedy.

There were certainly overarching interests I could relate to, but nothing we really interacted with. It felt like I was catching up with an old friend, having a drink and just chatting about the good old days.

While it was a really fun night and I’d love to hang out again, I think what we’re looking for in the long run is probably a little different. But I would absolutely love to hang out as friends because we definitely share a lot of the same kind of ideologies, in terms of interests. I didn’t get her number, but I probably should have, because I’d love to catch up. We said goodbye and went our separate ways.

Verdict: 8/10


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