Steps to inquire about traffic violations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the Absher platform with the ID number

yousef21 April 2022Last Update : 2 years ago
Steps to inquire about traffic violations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the Absher platform with the ID number

The Saudi Ministry of Interior, in cooperation with the General Directorate of Public Security in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, provides a service for visitors and expatriates from the Gulf countries to inquire about traffic violations through the Absher platform or application.

This service aims to facilitate the process for visitors during their stay in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as it enables them to know the traffic violations recorded against them to avoid committing mistakes that may lead to legal repercussions.

Visitors can check their traffic violations in one of the following ways:

Border Number.

National Identity.


The residence number is the national number for the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council.

Saudi Arabia card for residents of Bahrain.

The Absher platform allows visitors to identify their traffic violations by following the following steps:

Log in to the Absher platform through this link Choose Absher for individuals. From the list of information services, choose to inquire about traffic violations for visitors. Choose one of the documents mentioned above (border number, passport or residence number). Enter the verification code. Click View.

The Passports in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia revealed how to cancel the report of absenteeism for domestic workers, through the Absher electronic platform or the Tawasul service. About making it available in order to provide services and solutions to some common problems. In this article, we will discuss how to use the Absher communication service, and the most important services available through it.

Saudi citizens who own domestic workers can cancel the report of absenteeism for domestic workers, and that is within only 15 days of submitting it, according to what was announced by the Passports. The most important electronic systems that enable both citizens and residents of the Kingdom alike to conduct various transactions and benefit from services electronically.

A communication service can be accessed through the Absher platform, and this is in order to take advantage of the available services, and through it, solutions can be found to some problems that could not be resolved through the Absher portal, and accordingly, a report of absenteeism for domestic workers can be canceled by following the following steps:

First: The user logs into the Absher electronic platform through the Internet.
Second: After that, he chooses my services, then services.
Third: Then he logs into the passport service, and chooses a communication service.
Fourth: The user navigates to a new request, then clicks on “Submit Request”.
Fifth: At the end, he inserts all the data related to the application, and then uploads the necessary documents.

Among the most important services provided by the Tawasul electronic platform, which citizens can benefit from, we mention to you the following:

The possibility of obtaining a Saudi passport.
Exit and return visas for Saudi citizens.
As well as obtaining visitor visas and travel permits.
In addition, services are provided to residents of the Kingdom, including identity procedures for a resident outside Saudi Arabia, obtaining exceptional travel permits, in addition to updating the passport and profession, and others.

Reporting domestic workers through the Absher platform has specific conditions, which are as follows:

The worker must have a valid residence permit.
Also, there should not be an active report that was previously submitted and has not been adjudicated or canceled.
Also, there should be no final exit visa for domestic workers.
With this, we conclude the article in which we presented to you the issue of canceling the report of absence from domestic workers, as we mentioned to you the most important services provided by the Tawasul electronic platform, and the conditions for reporting domestic workers.

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