How to make seafood pasta with white sauce

yousef10 July 2022Last Update : 2 years ago
How to make seafood pasta with white sauce

Nutritional value of shrimp

100 grams of Energy Shrimp 85 calories Protein 20.10 grams Fat 0.51 grams Potassium 264 grams Calcium 64 milligrams Iron 0.52 milligrams Sodium 119 milligrams.

Shrimp pasta with creamy sauce

the ingredients

A package of spaghetti noodles.

A cup of evaporated milk.

Two tablespoons of soft butter.

Six cloves of garlic.

Four hundred grams of shrimp.

Sliced ​​small onion.

One hundred and fifty grams of dried tomatoes.

Small spoon of salt.

A teaspoon of ground black pepper.

Three cups of baby spinach.

One and a half cups of Parmesan cheese.

A teaspoon of cornstarch.

Two teaspoons of Italian seasoning.

A tablespoon of finely chopped parsley.

Cream Sauce Ingredients:

Two tablespoons of butter.

Four tablespoons of white flour.

Two cups of evaporated milk.

Salt, to taste-.

How to prepare

Boil the spaghetti noodles in water with a little salt over medium heat.

Prepare the cream sauce:

Heat two tablespoons of butter in a wide skillet, add flour, and stir with butter until it melts and turns yellow.

Add the evaporated milk and salt to the mixture while continuing to stir until the mixture boils.

Prepare the shrimp:

Heat the butter in a wide skillet over a low heat, then add the garlic and stir it a little. Add the shrimp to the garlic, and stir until it changes color.

Remove the fried shrimp from the pan, and set aside on a plate.

Add the onions to the same pan, fry them with the remaining butter, then add the dried tomatoes, the creamy sauce, season the mixture by adding salt and black pepper, and stir all the ingredients together.

Add spinach to the mixture, stir well, then add Parmesan cheese to the mixture when it boils, and stir the mixture well until the cheese melts.

Return the shrimp to the skillet with the Italian seasoning and parsley, stirring the mixture well.

Remove the mixture from the heat, pour it over the boiled spaghetti in a serving dish, and serve the dish hot.

Seafood lasagna

the ingredients

A pack of lasagna sheets. Two hundred grams of medium-sized raw shrimp.

100 grams of fish fillet, cut into medium-sized cubes.

One hundred grams of oysters.

Two fresh leeks.

Six to eight sticks of fresh basil and parsley. Three pieces of peeled and chopped tomatoes.

2 tablespoons of butter, plus a little butter for greasing the baking tray.

A tablespoon of vegetable oil.

Liter of cooking cream. A small pinch of nutmeg.

A quarter of a teaspoon of chili pepper Gruber cheese – to taste.

Salt and ground black pepper – to taste.

How to prepare

Put the butter in a medium-sized saucepan, and heat it over a medium heat until it melts completely, add the chopped leeks, and saute it with the butter until it softens well without browning.

Add shrimp and oysters, and season the mixture by adding a little salt and black pepper, and stir the ingredients well with each other..

Add the cubes of fish and tomatoes to the mixture and stir well.

Add the basil and parsley, and stir with the rest of the ingredients, then reduce the temperature at the bottom of the pan, and cook the mixture over medium heat for about ten minutes.

Grease the baking tray with a little butter, and put the cream with the lasagna sheets, the filling mixture and the cheese in alternating layers in the tray.

Put the tray into a preheated oven, and cook for approximately thirty to forty minutes, until it is cooked and slightly browned.

Take the lasagna tray out of the oven, and serve it hot.

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