Conditions for obtaining personal financing from Al-Rajhi Bank and how to obtain it

yousef13 August 2022Last Update : 2 years ago
Conditions for obtaining personal financing from Al-Rajhi Bank and how to obtain it

Al-Rajhi Bank is one of the most famous Islamic banks that provide personal finance, and offers a lot of loans and services to all customers who meet the conditions for obtaining financing. About usury and its suspicions, which makes it at the forefront of the best banks and accepts millions of people to borrow from the bank, so we will tell you all the new conditions and how to obtain Al Rajhi Bank financing below.

Personal Finance from Al Rajhi Bank 1444

Al-Rajhi financing is intended for all citizens in the Kingdom and permanent residents in any of its cities. Al-Rajhi Bank allows the possibility of borrowing to fill debts or finance investment projects of various kinds. It also provides convenient and convenient payment methods for customers in line with the value of the borrowing, and as it applies to any banking transactions that impose The bank has restrictions and conditions for the beneficiaries to finance through which we explain in detail. The bank also provides branches for women’s transactions that are difficult to find in other branches.

Conditions for obtaining Al Rajhi Bank financing

Al-Rajhi Bank has set a set of conditions that must be met by citizens, in order to be able to obtain Al-Rajhi financing. Below:

The age of the applicant for Al Rajhi personal finance must be from 25 years old to 65 years old.
The applicant’s income must not be less than 2000 riyals.
An acknowledgment must be submitted that the installments are paid on time without any delay.
And that the applicant works in any of the bodies specified and approved by the bank as a guarantee of the scope of financing.
The person’s salary is automatically transferred to the bank for reimbursement.
Also, the applicant does not obtain financing without the bank’s approval of his application, after his papers match the required conditions.

Steps to apply for personal finance

Al Rajhi personal finance can be obtained through the official link of the Al Rajhi Bank website, by following the following steps:

You must go to the Al-Rajhi Bank website.
Then choose Create a new account.
All required data must be entered.
Specify the employer and job status.
Then specify the financing value, the installment and the monthly salary.
You must read and agree to all terms and conditions.
Then press send.
You have to wait for approval from the bank, whether accepting or rejecting.

Documents for applying for personal financing Al Rajhi

You must first complete the application form for personal finance.
A copy of personal identification must be presented
And submit a letter stating the duration and value from the employer.
A salary transfer letter is required according to the employer.

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