Amending the new traffic fines system and the new payment method

yousef22 April 2022Last Update : 2 years ago
Amending the new traffic fines system and the new payment method

The Economy website monitors the amendment of the new traffic violations system and the new payment method for 2022.

Recently, Saudi Arabia is increasingly interested in traffic laws and their modernization to preserve the lives of citizens, and a question that many have recently been asked due to the large number of traffic violations that vehicle owners are subjected to. Citizens must provide many electronic services to citizens to reduce time and effort. The amendment of the new traffic system included splitting the payment of traffic violations and reducing their value in accordance with certain controls.

The Council of Ministers authorized the amendment to the traffic system, seizure and enforcement of bank account balances, as the Council of Ministers decided to amend Articles (2) and (3) of Article 75 of the Traffic Law in 1428, where the amendments included allowing the violator to apply for a period not exceeding Ninety days to pay the fine and it can also be divided, and within the amendments, the Ministry of Interior has set a specific mechanism to follow up the bank account balances through the permissibility of seizure and direct execution, while the 15-day period for objecting to the violation has passed, and the new amendment has been authorized to reduce the value of the traffic fine by no more than 25% of the value of the traffic fine. Minimum in accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of Interior.

There are some important things that the driver must take into account when cutting a traffic light and the fees he will pay when breaking the signal. The value of the violations before the amendment: The value of the legal violations amounted to 500 Saudi messages, uniting several penalties for those who violate the traffic light more than once.

Conditions for filing an objection to traffic violations

The objecting person must have previously registered on the Ministry of Interior portal, and had previously activated his account.

The possibility of objecting to the issued traffic violations, through the Saher system.

The objection must be made within thirty days, not exceeding the period of issuing the violation.

In the event that these violations are paid, then they cannot be objected to.

In the case of traffic violations that were issued before the launch of the electronic service for the possibility of objection, you must review the main offices of the General Traffic Department of your city.

After completing the objection, the person must pay the value of the violations, in order to avoid the high value of the violation and its reaching the upper limit.

No objection may be made more than once for one violation.

The regulations of the General Traffic Department will be applied to all objections submitted during the service.

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