Steps to teach a Word program in 2022

yousef19 July 2022Last Update : 2 years ago
Steps to teach a Word program in 2022

A word processor is a program specialized in creating, storing and printing written documents. This type of program is one of the most commonly used programs on computers. When the user opens this type of program, he will get a blank white box to write The texts in it, and then configured and configured as desired.

One of the features of word processing programs is their ability to form and format text, such as making it thick, changing its color and size, and it is also possible through these programs to include multimedia content; such as audio, image, and video clips, in addition to the ability to create tables, correct linguistic and grammatical errors, and other features that provide many possibilities for the user; Such as writing books, documents, and reports.

Microsoft Word (English: Microsoft Word) is the most famous word processing program, and it is a paid program developed by Microsoft, and part of the Microsoft Office package (English: Microsoft Office), released in 1983 AD, and it has several features; As ensuring that the user gets the content when he prints the document or transfers it to another program, just as he saw it on his screen when creating it. Other word processing programs include LibreOffice, Abi Word, and Google Docs.

How to use Microsoft Word

Download the word program

buy office package

To make a subscription in order to use the Microsoft Office software package, which includes Microsoft Word, the following steps are to be followed:

Go to the product page: Click on the “Buy Office 365” button at the top of the page .

Choose the desired annual subscription type.

Click on the “Buy now” button below the desired subscription type.

Click on the “Checkout” button, which is a blue button on the right of the page.

Log in to your Microsoft account by entering your email address and password.

Click on the “Place order” button on the right of the page, and payment information may be requested afterwards.

Office package installation

To install the Office package after purchasing it, follow these steps:

Go to the Office account page: Click the orange button that says “Install”.

Press the “Install” button again to start downloading the Office installation file.

When the download is finished, click on the Office installation file.

Press the “Yes” button when prompted, and the installation process will start, wait for it to finish, as it may take a few minutes.

Press the “Close” button when prompted, so you can start using any program included in the Office package.

Create a new document

To create a new document using Microsoft Word, follow these steps: Open Microsoft Word.

Click on the “New” button on the left side of the screen.

Choose a blank document (English: Blank document), and then press “Create” to create it.

Use the toolbar

The toolbar in Microsoft Office includes several options for forming and configuring texts. In the main tab “Home” the tools are divided into 5 groups, the most important of which are Font, Paragraphs, and Styles. Font, there are options to change the font’s shape and size, as well as its color and other effects that can be added to it.

In the group of paragraphs, the user can insert lists (English: Lists), increase or decrease the space at the beginning of the paragraph (English: Identation), arrange the text alphabetically or by number, in addition to choosing the place of the text in relation to other content (English: Text alignment) On the page, you can also add shadings and borders (English: Borders). In the Styles group, you can choose ready-made forms for texts with specific font types, colors and other formations, which are used to add main and sub-headings, in addition to quotes and others.

Insert content insert images

To insert images into the document, the following steps are followed: Click on the place where you want to add the image. Click on the “Insert Picture” box to insert the picture. If you are using the 2003 version of Microsoft Word, click on the Insert menu and choose Picture, followed by clicking on the “From file” option located within the sub-menu of the “Insert” option. picture. Searching the desired image to be inserted from the computer and clicking on it, and then pressing the “Insert” button, thus the images have been inserted, and if the user wishes to modify their size, this can be done by clicking on it and then making it smaller or larger through the dots visible around, or it can be done through the toolbar.

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