How to inquire about Alwaleed Bin Talal Charitable Foundation

yousef7 August 2022Last Update : 2 years ago
How to inquire about Alwaleed Bin Talal Charitable Foundation

We will explain information about the Alwaleed bin Talal Charitable Foundation and what activities this institution provides and in what year the Alwaleed bin Talal Charitable Foundation was established and for what purpose this establishment was in addition to who is its founder and who is responsible for its work. Till the end.

Inquire about Alwaleed Bin Talal Charitable Foundation

Inquiries about the Alwaleed Bin Talal Charitable Foundation, through which we obtained a lot of data related to this institution, which we will mention to you in detail as follows:

Alwaleed Bin Talal Foundation is a non-profit (non-profit) organization.

● It was established by Al-Waleed bin Talal bin Abdulaziz, and its headquarters are in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

● It was established in 1996 for the purpose of organizing and coordinating Saudi charitable works. At that time, it was called the Kingdom Foundation.

● A new name was adopted for it in 2009 and it became the Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Charitable Foundation.

Conditions for registration in Alwaleed Bin Talal Foundation

An inquiry about the Alwaleed Bin Talal Foundation explained to us what conditions must be met to complete the registration process within the foundation, which are as follows:

The person applying for assistance from this institution must be at least 21 years old and that is the minimum.

● A person who receives assistance or support from this institution is not entitled to dispose of any kind of support provided to him by the institution by selling, whether it is a car or a housing unit, and an approval is required from him to do so.

● The person who receives help and support from the institution undertakes to return the housing unit if he becomes well off.

● The person applying for assistance must not be the owner of any housing units inside the Kingdom.

● You must not be the owner of any transportation vehicles.

The breadwinner of the family must not receive a monthly salary of more than 3000 Saudi riyals.

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