Method of calculating the division of inheritance

yousef9 July 2022Last Update : 2 years ago
Method of calculating the division of inheritance

Inheritance: It is all that the deceased leaves behind from money and rights in kind. As for money, it includes material things such as movables and real estate, and as for rights in kind, it includes personal rights. As the right of pre-emption, and the rights of use, such as rent.

The net estate is determined after deducting the rights related to the estate, which are: preparing the dead and shrouding him from the time of his death to his burial, then paying his debts, then carrying out his will with less than one third, and the rest of the deceased’s estate is divided among the heirs.

Explanation of the heirs from others: The inheritance is of two types, and the following is their explanation:

Inheritance by imposition and imposition:

It is a legally determined share for a specific heir, it does not increase except by restitution, and it does not decrease except by reliance. Inheritance by disassociation is the entitlement of the heir to all the money if he is single, and the rest of the money is after the owners of the hypotheses, and it falls if the assumptions involve the issue.

As for the reasons for inheritance, there are three main reasons:

Lineage, marriage, loyalty, and the inheritors for these reasons are fifteen males and ten females, and mention them in the following:

The inheritors are men

The son’s lineage is only innervation, no one can block him

The son of the son, and if the lineage descends into disciplining only, the son veils it, and every son of the son is closer to him

The father’s lineage is sometimes imposed by imposition and sometimes by disobedience, and no one blocks him

The grandfather of the father’s father, and if he is higher – as for the grandfather, the father of the mother, he does not inherit – lineage is sometimes imposed by imposition and sometimes hardship. He is veiled by the father and every grandfather and heir is closer to him.

Brother descent only innervation. Obscured by the father and the son and the son of the son and that came down.

Brother paternal lineage innervation only. Obscured by the son and the son of the son, and if he descends, the father, and the brother.

Brother paternal lineage innervation only. Obscured by the son and the son of the son, and if he descends, the father, and the brother.

Brother mother lineage imposition only. It is veiled by the son and the son of the son, even if he descends, and the father and grandfather is the heir and if he is higher.

Nephew, brother-in-law, descent only innervation. He is veiled by the son and the son of the son, even if he descends, and the father, the brother, the brother, and the father’s brother

The nephew of the father – as for the nephew of the mother, he does not inherit – the kinship lineage only. The son, the son of the son, and if he descends, the father, the half-brother, the paternal brother, and the half-brother’s son.

Uncle and brother descent only innervation. The son, the son of the son, and if he descends, the father, the half-brother, the father’s brother, the half-brother’s son, and the father’s nephew.

The paternal uncle, – As for the paternal uncle, he does not inherit the paternal lineage only. The son, the son of the son, and if he descends, the father and the brother, the brother to the father, the son of the brother, the son of the brother to the father and the brotherly uncle.

The maternal cousin is paternal, and the maternal cousin does not inherit the paternal lineage only. It is obscured by the son and the son of the son and if he descends, the father and the brother, the paternal brother and the half-brother’s son, the nephew of the father and the brother’s uncle, the paternal uncle and the brother’s cousin.

The husband is forced to marry only. Nobody blocks it.

The female heirs are ten, and they are:

A girl’s lineage is sometimes imposed and sometimes by hardship. Nobody blocks it

The daughter of the son, even if the lineage came down by force sometimes, and sometimes by disobedience. It is obscured by the son of steel and every son of the son is closer to it.

The mother’s lineage is imposed only, no one obscures her

The grandmother on the mother’s side, even if the lineage is high by imposition, is only veiled by the mother and every grandmother is closer to her.

The grandmother on the father’s side, even if the lineage is high by imposition, is only veiled by the mother and the father, and every grandmother is closer to her.

Sister lineage by imposition sometimes and sometimes by hardship. Obscured by the father, the son of steel, and the son of the son, even if he came down.

The sister of the paternal lineage is sometimes imposed and sometimes by hardship. It is obscured by the father, son of steel, son of son, and if he came down, and brother brother.

The sister of the mother by lineage is obligatory only, but the father, grandfather and hereditary offspring are absolutely obscured.

The wife is forced to marry only, no one withholds her

The freedman’s loyalty is only blocked by the one who blocks the freedman.

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