How to write on word in 2022?

yousef19 July 2022Last Update : 2 years ago
How to write on word in 2022?

A user of a Windows 7 computer that contains Microsoft Word 2013 can write in the Word file by doing a number of steps, and these steps are as follows: Pressing the start key to open the Start menu window.

Open Microsoft Word through the menu that appears on the screen, and you can search for the Word 2013 option if it is not visible in the menu that appears. Specify the shape of the new Word file to be opened, which is blank document. Start typing what the user wants to write in the Word file, within the blank document that appears on the computer screen.

How to enter ready-made text for Word

The user of the Word program can take text contained within a specific file and enter this text into the Word file by doing a number of steps, and these steps are as follows:

Clicking inside the Word file to add the text to, specifically in the place where the text is to be added.

Click on the Insert option, then click on the downward-facing arrow icon next to the Object option, which is located within the group of options indicated by Text.

Choose the Text from File option, then select the file you want to take the text from and double-click on it. This file can be selected through the box that appears under the title Insert File.

How to add a picture to word

You can add an image to the Word file by doing a number of steps, and these steps are as follows: Clicking on the Insert option within the Word file to which you want to add the image. Choose the file type to be inserted into the Word file, which is Picture. Locate the image you want to insert, then click on it to choose it. Clicking on the Insert option to add the desired image to the Word file, and you can change some image settings such as its size, quality and other options.

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